The Amateur Detective (1914 film)

The Amateur Detective
Directed by Carroll Fleming
Starring Carey L. Hastings, Ernest C. Warde, Muriel Ostriche
Studio Thanhouser Film Corporation
Distributed by Mutual Film Corporation
Running time 1 reel
Country USA
Language English

The Amateur Detective is a 1914 American silent short comedy directed by Carroll Fleming for the Thanhouser Film Corporation. The film starred Carey L. Hastings, Ernest C. Warde and Muriel Ostriche.



Thanhouser literature describes it as "A laughable parody on Sherlock Holmes.[1]"

History and Preservation Status

This film represented a sub-genre of detective parodies common to the era of the Nickelodeon[2]. It is preserved in the AFI/Alfred Bruzzese collection[3]; the surviving print is only a fragment, consisting of 240 feet of the original 990-foot running length[4].


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